Gangway Inspection

Before being put into service for the first time, each completed gangway is to be thoroughly tested to confirm that all the safety, power and control functions are correctly implemented onboard.
If complete functional testing has been documented to have been carried out at the test bed at manufacturers’ location, limited functional testing may be carried out after final installation.
In such case, the proposed test plan is to specify the extent of the limited functional testing to be done after final installation.
The functional testing is to be carried out in accordance with the approved testing procedure, which is to be submitted well in advance of the actual testing. The testing procedure is to specify in detail how the respective functions are to be tested and how observations during the test can be ensured. The tests specified below is to be included in the test procedure.
A copy of the approved test procedure is to be kept in the gangway (operational) manual. It is to be completed with final results and endorsed by the competent person.
The significant characteristics of power and braking systems as well as the safety equipment are to be considered. Braking systems and safety equipment are to be checked by function testing. Pressure testing of hydraulic components is normally not required to be witnessed by the Surveyor. The tightness of the systems is to be checked after the installation of the components and during functional testing.
For gangways fitted with systems not included in the below list (e.g. motion compensation system, etc.), additional relevant tests are to be agreed with the Society.
Load and functional testing is to be repeated every 5 years.
As a minimum the gangway is to be marked on the gangway structure clearly visible with the following data:
- Name of manufacturer
- Gangway serial number or similar means of singular identification
- LL – Allowable number of persons (to be marked at both ends of the gangway) – not applicable for type I gangways
- Clear walking width and height
- Operational length of gangway
- Operational angles of gangway.
Annual Survey
To be conducted at least once every 12 months (surveys accepted to take place within 3 months before or after each anniversary date of the initial certification survey or the completion of the last Special Survey).
Items to be considered for Annual Survey:
- Structural condition (cracks, distortions, corrosion). NDT is to be applied when deemed necessary
- Support structure
- Excessive clearance in sheave-bearings and eye-bolt connections
- Wire-rope, including end attachments, with respect to wear, broken wires and corrosion
- Operational condition of slewing system (slewing bearing condition, proper lubrication, bolt condition and pretension, etc.)
- Operational condition of the telescoping system (including sliding surfaces)
- Safety systems and alarms
- Leakages in hydraulic system and correct safety valve adjustment
- Proper arrangement and condition of electrical systems
- Marking (as per test certificates)
- Provisions for securing of the gangway during open sea conditions
- Fire extinguishing system (sprinkler), if relevant.
5 Yearly Survey
Special Surveys are to be conducted at 5 years intervals and completed within 3 months before the due date of the Special Survey.
Items to be considered for the Special Survey:
In addition to the examinations listed for Annual Survey the following additional surveys and load test is normally to be carried out (the attending Surveyor may apply other scope if found acceptable).
- Load testing as required for Initial Certification
- Hydraulic cylinder fixing shafts, fixed sheaves, blocks, axle pins and housing to be confirmed documented as dismantled (opened up), examined and found in order once during the last 2 years, or to be opened now.
- Slewing bearings to be opened up and internal fillets, raceway and bolts to be Subjected to MPI. Exemption to opening-up of a bearing will be granted provided:
- the gangway has an approved securing device (retainer) fitted or
- the slewing bearing has been specially adapted and approved by the Society for non-destructive crack detection, or
- a company is available, possessing method, skill and specially trained operators within nondestructive crack detection of bearings in question. The company, operators and qualification tests to be approved by the Society in each case, or
- a procedure including regular clearance measurements established when the gangway was new, grease sampling and fatigue evaluations are adopted in agreement with the gangway and slewing bearing manufacturer.
Holding-down bolts:
- 20% of bolts are to be removed and examined. The initial 20% is to be taken in the most loaded sector of the gangway. If any significant defects are found during this examination another 20% are drawn. If any of this second set is found to be defective then all bolts are to be drawn.
- If the first 20% are found to be acceptable and the examination is stopped, a maintenance schedule is to be established for examining the remaining 80% during the 5 years period.
- When refitting, all bolts are to be pre-stressed as stated in the gangway manual or as found on approved drawings.